“Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They’re shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they’re gone.”
— The Notebook (movie)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good Morning Bloggers!
Well, I was going to the lake today, but I'm not sure that's going to happen anymore, because it's cloudy today. It's been sunny and hot for weeks, but when I make plans to actually get some sun, it's cloudy. I got up early for not apparent reason, made coffee and sat outside. Though it was cloudy, it was perfect sit outside weather. I drank my coffee and enjoyed how green my surroundings are.

On a different note, I just finished reading a fantastic series called "The Hunger Games Trilogy." It's soooo good! It's probably one of the best stories I've read in a long time. It's about a post apocalyptic world that takes place in United States. This new world is called Panem. Every year the Capitol of Panem hosts an event called the Hunger Games where two "tributes" – a boy and a girl – are drafted from each of the twelve districts to be brought to an arena and fight to the death. (BTW, back in the day the word "tribute" referred to a payment to a ruler.) Only one person can win. This is to remind the country not to rebel – and for entertainment, of course. I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys action as well as romance. Alrighty, well that's all I have today.

<3 K

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Final Free!

Well Bloggers, I have fantastic news! I'm all finished with classes for Spring 2011! I can hear the hallelujah chorus! I've been chilling all morning after my final at 8am. I'm currently watching "Identity" with my roommates after eating a delicious sandwich that Jimmy Johns made for us. Well, it's scary, but since I've already seen it, so all is well in my world. SUMMER IS HERE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okie Dokie, I'm just venting and letting you know that I survived finals!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Killing Time

Hello Bloggers!
So, I had a final today, in that dumb Witch Hunt class. I believe that I owned it, but since she is extremely picky, I'm not that confident. My next final is not until Thursday, so I spent the day doing NOTHING!! I slept and have started watching season 1 of Gossip Girl. Talk about addicting! I'm totally in love with Nate and I am wondering why there aren't any hot guys like that are in Oklahoma. Well I'm still watching it and it's 11:30 and I believe that I am almost finished with season 1.

<3 K

Saturday, May 7, 2011


The weekend before finals should be called "Hell Weekend." I feel like I'm not going to have a weekend because all I'm doing is studying for the worst class in the world: "History of the Witch Hunt." The professor is slightly witchy looking herself and the class just sucks. I'm finally taking a little break and watching one of the best Disney movies ever!! Disney movies have a fantastic way of making anyone feel better after watching it. Like, if I was having a Debbie Downer kind of day, I'd just pop in a Disney movie and then I start to believe that I can see all the colors of the wind and carpets really can fly. lol. Disney has that effect on me. Actually my room mate and I were just saying that we would be those parents that would watch Disney movies with their kids. Disney Time = Family Time!
Well, I better shower and make better use of my time, because I have a final in that dumb Witch Hunt at 8am. Boo on her and Boo on Witches.

<3 K

Friday, May 6, 2011

Drama and Classic movies

Well, what to say? I've had a very stressful day! I went out last night for Cinco De Mayo and honestly, I hardly "go out" because I hate having a hangover the next morning. Last night, everyone was going out and they convinced me that it was a sign from God because Cinco De May and Thirsty Thursday were on the same night! I gave in and a fantastic time! We frat lapped and I had the strongest Margarita that I've ever had in my life! I had a blast today, everyone was more than willing to tell me how funny I was. Apparently, my roommate made the best macaroni and cheese I've ever had last night and I told her it was because she stirred it counterclockwise or something like that. Yes, good times! Lets just say I was reminded of why I don't hardly "go out." lol.
On a different note, today was terrible. I was so busy writing essays for several classes, because my professors all decided that their final papers should be due Friday at midnight. After, 7 hours of writing papers, I'm now watching "Roman Holiday," by the great Audrey Hepburn. I'm not going out tonight, because last night took all the need to party out of my system. So, tonight, I'm having a date with old movies. I enjoy the company and they don't give me a hangover, lol.

Roman Holiday is such a great movie! Makes me love Audrey that much more!

<3 K

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead Week

Well, so much for a Dead Week, I've had two weeks of finals and it's been hectic! The Deeg aka The Delta Gamma House has been eerily quiet. Probably because everyone's practically living in the library. I'm struggin' through these last two weeks, but thanks to my fabulous room mates Bekah, Lyndsay and Lizzie I shall prevail! lol.

On a brighter note, what have I done to the Deeg? I have somehow spread the word of one of the best tv shows on air "Vampire Diaries," and now everyone is addicted. It's been spreading like wildfire and I have not seen my season 1 of VD in 3 weeks, because it's been circulating through the house. This is no bueno, being right before finals, but who can resist the power of two sexy vamps? I know I can't! It's pure sexiness! New Episode tonight at 7pm! I'm psyched and so are the rest of my house mates!

<3 K